Posts tagged June 2020
Research Brief: What Drove the May Employment Bounce Back

Labor market rebounds as restrictions begin to ease. Employers added 2.5 million jobs in May to bring the unemployment rate down to 13.3 percent, indicating the worst of the economic fallout may be behind us. Economic shutdowns resulted in job losses of 22.1 million in March and April, pushing the unemployment rate to 14.7 percent, the highest since 1948. While employment gains are very encouraging, uncertainties and a long road to recovery for America’s labor market remain, broadly impacting commercial real estate over the coming months.

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Denver Market Update: May Rent Collections Report

One of the largest hurdles over the next few months will be bridging any gap between buyers and sellers. Some buyers believe that they will get steep discounts on pricing because of COVID-19. This expectation does not match the sentiment of sellers or the current data as collections remain high, vacancy remains low, and rents remain relatively unchanged. As we keep in close contact with lenders and MMCC, we have found there to be many sources for debt with the only caveats being tighter credit requirements.

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